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Mario Vasilescu


Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics and Business Management graduate, Hons. 2012. I stress-tested my brain, made robots, and sampled all things business. You can find out more here.


Currently involved in co-developing an online platform to monetize and maximize every online word - and a couple of under-wraps projects to be launched soon. I also dabble in all things creative. See my resume here.


People, wild ideas, and quality. I read people well and am effective at leading them; I introduce radically different ideas that are often adopted; and I cut through noise to move aggressively toward top results.


I live for good conversation, big ideas, new experiences, and captivating visuals. I want to see the world, and am slowly working my way toward that goal. I love to play just about every sport. I like making things; and I keep a notebook by my bed - on the cover it says "1 idea/day".